8K 93Queen
I live in the chasidic community and this is not everyone's experience. It doesn't have to be like this. Yes, this is a lot of Satmar Williamsburg but there are other chasidic possibilities. I guess i had the opposite trajectory. I also went to the University of Pennsylvania and other ivy league style schools. I grew up learning calculus and knowing most of these cultural references. It didn't really add so much to my existence. I now choose to live in the chasidic community. I am super happy and am shocked at how well ive been embraced. Im raising my kids in this community and they are fully aware of other ethnicities and possibilities and that I am not trying to shield them from diversity but am trying to reinforce the belief system that i believe in. This guy on the video advocate for the chasidic community. Seriously. Who is that? You can't just put a crazy sounding guy on a soap box and label him chasidic jewry. How about getting a chasidic speaker on chinuch? A Rabbi Weinberger or such? Someone to make the argument level between the pros and cons of a community that self isolates. Just make the discussion a little more interesting with real facts and actual rationale behind some of our practices. Its insulting that you expect me to believe this guy is representing American Chasidic Jewry. I usually like FOX exposes. This one was disappointing at best..
Watching this on Netflix. The guy asking questions is really irritating the ex agents being interviewed, quite a few coming across as blow hards. Not a very good documentary in my opinion. I'll continue to get my Jewish news from Larry David. LD is the man!.
IMPORTANT! Whatever u do, be sure not to criticize the judge. But please, feel free to disparage the shiksa goyim megyn to your hearts content..
She lives across the street from my parents dental office. (my dad is a dentist, my mom is tge secretary)
55 Steps Movie Stream
Watch Stream Fate/kaleid
liner Prisma?Illya Movie: Oath Under Snow Free
Don't worry all of this shit is coming to an end soon. They're gonna be pissed when they lose their red whites and blues and are forced to go to green like everybody else in New York state..
The Baal Shem Tov started this...
oh dear another Jew following MONEY??
This is bullshit that these assholes are allowed to do this.
Awesome!! video i never seeing this around here. Nice catch too
Wow. A little overkill. And why so many? Don't they have a rig? Here, a volunteer can only use amber. And you better not get caught with a siren. Amber. Just like a tow truck..